Gilliam County Small Business Grant Program 

Gilliam County recognizes the importance of supporting existing local businesses and the creation of new businesses. The Gilliam County Small Business Grant Program was established to assist our small businesses and to promote economic development, business expansion, and job creation. Our goal is to provide grant funding to eligible projects as long as funding allows. 

These funds are being administered by the Oregon Frontier Chamber of Commerce on behalf of Gilliam County.  


Eligible Entities: Applicants must be current on all Federal, State and County Taxes. Applicants must operate a business (or plan to operate a business) in Gilliam County, be able to demonstrate the need for assistance and provide a compelling narrative about the value of the project. The entity must also be one of the following:

        Registered, for-profit business, home-based business, or sole proprietor
        Fraternal organization 

Allowable grant funds can be used to support:

  • Business entrepreneurship, business expansion and employee retention, home based childcare, or business emergency support. 
  • Assistance to support new or existing business costs including purchase of equipment, materials, signage, legal services, management software, and other related expenses.
  • Assistance to support existing or new home based childcare businesses. Funding can be allocated to business start-up costs including purchase of equipment, materials, signage, legal services, management software, and other related expenses.
  • Assistance to support projects that positively impact local communities. Eligible activities include rehabilitation, restoration, building or equipment acquisition, facade improvements, new construction. 
  • Assistance that supports business expansion, preservation and employee retention. 
  • Assistance to support businesses in need of emergency assistance for special circumstances. Grant will be evaluated and considered on a case by case basis.
  • Funding will be determined on the impact the project will make on supporting the sustainability of the business long term.     

General Guidelines

Applicants are required to do quarterly check-ins with the Chamber to ensure funds are being put to their greatest use and to help you continue to identify resiliency tools and resources available for your business.

 Review Process & Funding Decision

Applicants must submit a completed application form, budget form, business plan and any other requested related support material. Incomplete forms will not be accepted. Once your application is submitted, a Chamber representative will reach out to you to ensure your intake and application is complete.

Applications will be submitted electronically to the Oregon Frontier Chamber of Commerce. The Small Business Grant Committee consists of representatives from the Chamber of Commerce, two Gilliam County members, and a member of the Mid-Columbia Economic Development District. 

 The Small Business Revitalization Committee is responsible for:

  •         Determining applicant eligibility. 
  •         Only eligible applicants will be considered for funding.
  •         Reviewing applications for completeness and accuracy. 
  •         Seeking clarification or additional information from applicants, as necessary.
  •         Determining funding decisions.

Funding decisions are at the sole discretion of the Small Business Revitalization Committee. The Committee reserves the right to award funds at a reduced level from what is requested in the application. The Committee’s funding decision is final.


Successful applicants will be required to sign a Grant Agreement, which outlines the allowable uses of funds and reporting requirements, prior to the release of funds. Failure to comply with the requirements outlined in the Grant Agreement may preclude an applicant from being eligible for future grant offerings.


Successful applicants will be required to report to the Chamber of Commerce as outlined in their Grant Agreement. Failure to meet the reporting requirements of the Grant Agreement may preclude an applicant from being eligible for future grant offerings.

 Application Deadline

Applications can be submitted below to the Oregon Frontier Chamber of Commerce.